Success Story

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Investor Pitch Deck & Website Redesign Gets Results for Crypto Firm EDG 

This crypto fintech trusted CI’s B2B content marketing specialists to clarify their brand message to customers and investors.

The Background: Who Is EDG?

Founded in 2021, Enhanced Digital Group (EDG) set out to transform the crypto sector by bringing structured derivative products to the digital asset (crypto) market. EDG’s innovative approach to financial products enables its clients to hedge their digital asset investments strategically. EDG offers “synthetic exposure” to digital assets, an unfamiliar concept to many investors.

Financial Services
Bespoke Digital Asset Hedging Solutions
Investor Pitch Deck, Website Redesign, B2B Content Marketing Services

The Challenge: EDG Needed an Investor Pitch Deck That Tells Their Unique Story

While being an early mover in a space offers distinct advantages, it also presents challenges. EDG found it difficult to communicate the benefits of their niche hedging solutions. “The challenge has been articulating our business plan and story to people with different levels of experience and knowledge,” explained Peter Ciafone, CFO and Director of Operations.

EDG knew they had to simplify their message. “Our potential funders had varying levels of experience in digital assets, and more specifically trading derivatives on this asset class.” As the company was preparing to launch a Series A funding round, the EDG team knew they needed some outside help to tell their story.

Initial attempts to bring in outside help to communicate their thought leadership strategy proved unsuccessful. It only ate up more valuable time. Agencies and web developers lacked either experience in B2B content marketing services or a specialist’s understanding of EDG’s financial market to distill their value proposition — or both.

"When you get in front of a venture capital firm or investor, you have a very short window to make your case. You need slides that are meaningful. You need a very concise message. Content Innovo helped us to create that.”
Peter Ciafone
CFO and Director of Operations, Enhanced Digital Group (EDG)

The Solution: B2B Content Marketing Specialists with Niche Financial Experience

Content Innovo (CI) creates content using experts who specialize in specific B2B sectors, in this case, fintech and digital financial services. After learning about CI from another financial services company, EDG engaged us to distill their investor pitch deck for their Series A investment round.

We brought in expert content creators who understand the crypto market and finance, positioning EDG at the forefront of this constantly evolving sector. Our niche financial markets experts worked closely with EDG to quickly create an easy-to-understand, impactful investor deck, getting potential investors the information they needed to invest confidently.

The Results: Investor Pitch Deck Success for EDG

The Series A Deck was critical in telling the EDG story to investors, according to Ciafone. “When you get in front of a venture capital firm or investor, you have a very short window to make your case,” he explained. “You need slides that are meaningful. You need a very concise message. Content Innovo helped us to create that.” He was impressed by how rapidly CI’s team of content creators understood the complexity of EDG’s business and were able to tell their story.

Expanded Relationship: Website Redesign

After the successful collaboration on the Series A deck, EDG chose Content Innovo to refine their digital narrative and brand story, bringing the CI team in to manage their end-to-end website redesign. “That’s where Content Innovo’s writers shined,” said Ciafone. We provided a team — and a full-suite of B2B content marketing services — to help EDG’s experts articulate their unique narrative, and ultimately create an impactful site designed with user journey in mind.

Ciafone said he appreciated the CI team’s B2B thought leadership writing proficiency. “Content Innovo was able to help us tell our story more effectively.”

About Content Innovo Solutions & Services

Content Innovo’s approach to B2B content marketing services and branding is to employ narrow and deep. That is, we retain quick access to 80+ specialists in varying niche sectors. For EDG, we slotted expert content creators who understand crypto and complex financial markets for their investor pitch deck and website redesign.

Such specialists bring your unique services to life for your audience — fast — in language that makes them feel like insiders.

Another CI differentiator? We provide clients with easy-to-follow industry-specific thought-leadership strategy. Once clients see success, many trust us for a fuller B2B marketing strategy framework like EDG’s website redesign. We can take your B2B content marketing from its earliest stages of strategy through creation, complete with website design ideas, professional proofreading and editing services. Or anything in between.

All that thinking, technique and execution is based on proven successes we’ve seen from B2B opportunities over our years’ of experience. B2B content marketing success stories, like this one for EDG, demonstrate the benefit we bring to our clients.

Need help clarifying your niche B2B offering to outsider decision-makers?
Talk to our content marketing experts today.